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If you're ready to have consistent warm buyer and seller leads drop into your DMs, then this is for you!

(without sacrificing your nights and weekends)

Your current go-to lead generation methods aren't cutting it.

Consumer behavior has shifted, and the old way of selling just doesn't work anymore...

Are you tired of spending a fortune on online leads that rarely convert?

You need our proven lead gen system.

We understand that lead generation is a vital aspect of your business, but we also know that the cost of online leads can be daunting.

Say goodbye to the frustration of ineffective lead generation and hello to a steady stream of warm leads who know, like, and trust you.

You want consistency in your business all while getting your weekends back, but it feels like an uphill battle?

I totally get it; I've been there, too. You feel like you're on call 24/7 to manage online leads for your business? It can feel like you're constantly spinning on a hamster wheel with no end in sight. But what if I told you there's a better way? That's why I've found a solution that will take your business to the next level.

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Why I Created Groups To Leads

I created this program not just to help you get started; but also to help you implement fast.

We give you the simple, step-by-step instructions and support you need to build a successful lead generation tool any Real Estate Agent can follow.

You'll be prepared for anything that comes your way with a successful lead generation tool in place that will give you the freedom you want in your real estate business.

Most struggling Real Estate Agents live in fear of making the wrong decision, but successful Agents know that the only wrong decision is indecision.

So, will you...

Stay Stuck

Stay stuck in "waiting" mode, telling yourself that you're going to wait just a little bit longer for the perfect circumstances to magically appear before you take action, even though next year will be harder and circumstances will only get worse.


Take Action

Give yourself permission to take action today, while dramatically increasing your opportunity for success by following a proven system that has already helped other Agents build a lead generation system that works.

By the End of This Program You Will Have

Freed up your nights and weekends

Said goodbye to working around the clock and hello to the freedom to work when you want.

Imagine receiving calls from warm buyer and seller leads eager to work with you. With a steady stream of warm leads, you'll have the flexibility to achieve the work-life balance you've been dreaming of.

No more spending $1,000s on cold leads

A Facebook Group is the best low cost option to not only get warm leads, but expand your reach, become a known leader in the community, and save money monthly on all those frustrating cold leads that weren't converting anyway.

Built-in trust and connection

Are you tired of feeling like just another real estate agent in a sea of competitors?

Imagine becoming the leader in your community, where buyers and sellers seek you out personally. No more picking up random calls from online leads or hosting endless open houses every weekend.

Amanda Macy

Laura's "Groups to Leads" course is by far the most straightforward, practical, easy-to-follow Facebook Groups course I have used. She has laid out every step, from starting the group to nurturing contacts to creating engagement and building a long-term contact list from the group.

Enroll in Groups to Leads Today

Independent Study

The VIP Experience

What's Inside...

Groups to Leads consists of 3 modules that will walk you through every step of the Facebook Group building strategy to turn your Group into Leads and Commission.

Module 1

Setting Things Up - Not sure where to begin or how to set up a Facebook Group properly? We have everything you need to get started quickly and easily.

Templates to Set Up Your Group In Minutes

Best Settings to Use

Setting Up Guides in Group

How to Name Your Group to Make it Searchable

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Module 2

Turn Your Group Into Leads and Commission - Are you struggling to develop content ideas and a posting schedule to stay top of mind with your Facebook Group and convert them into potential leads? We have everything you need to do that and convert members into leads and commission.

Content Ideas

Ways to Give Value to Your Group

Grow Your Nurture Database to Thousands

Using Your Group as A Digital Farm

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Module 3

Grow Your Group to Thousands - When it comes to growing your Group we have you covered. We will help you with the tools and ideas needed to get the right avatar to join your Group so you can attract thousands of members.

Adding the Right Type Of Members


Using Your Sphere to Help You Grow

Paid Growth

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When You Enroll During This Special, Limited Time Period, You'll Get These Two BONUSES:

30 Day Content Calendar Blueprint

Month long calendar of exactly what to post each day to ensure engagement and growth.

Get 15 of my top performing posts to use now and tweak for additional use in the future.

A simple formula you can use over and over each month to create engagement, community value, share about you and build relationships that lead to sales.

Video ideas to help build your authority within your Group.

Value $197

90 Day Group Email Nurture System

12 weeks of my top performing email nurture system including a mix of emails from all 4 seasons

A simple formula you can use over and over each week to craft emails for your Group to nurture the members and stay front of mind

Take the guess work out of how to nurture your Group members

Stay in front of Group Members so that when they are in the mindset of being ready to purchase or sell a home you are the first person they think of

Value $1597

(this is what it would cost to have these written by a copywriter)

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Bonuses Included With Program:

Our program is designed to get you off the ground from day one. We want you to have all the tools you need to help you be successful and turn members into leads that equal commission. We included these bonuses to help get you going.

Group Member Welcome Email

Top 5 Group Posts Guaranteed To Get You Sales

Value $297

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Daniel Pignatello

Her knowledge on how to run a successful Real Estate business and facebook group has been gained through doing it herself at an elite level. When I look at coaches, I only care about 1 thing; receipts. Laura has plenty!

Dana Malstaff

Laura's unique approach to growing a Facebook community for real-estate is brilliant and every agent who wants to make their life easier, be seen as a leader, and get more sales should follow Laura's advice.

Independent Study

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The VIP Experience

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Imagine if...

You didn't have to do open houses anymore

Weekly Open Houses can be frustrating. Having to give up your weekends, waiting around for leads to show up that might or might not have an agent, and putting up those pesky signs and balloons can be frustrating.

Having warm buyer and seller leads who want to work with you, can give you your weekends back with your family. You won't be missing out on fun events or feeling guilty on the weekends.

No more chasing leads at the open house then spending days if not weeks following up on those leads. Leads from your Facebook Group will call you wanting you to help them buy or sell their home.

Your group was your #1 referral source

After just one year, I saw that 50% of my leads came from my Facebook Group.

Today, that number has grown to over 80%+, making my Facebook Group my top lead generation source after past clients and my sphere of influence.

The best part? I now have the consistency in my business that I never had with online leads or rainmaker teams.

Since I'm no longer spending money on cold leads, I can focus more on serving my clients, my Facebook Group and my family.

You Grew Your Database To Thousands Of People

With my Facebook Group, I quickly built a community and established myself as a local expert.

I now have thousands of potential clients to market to and nurture in my database.

It's amazing to think about how far I've come. In the beginning I was struggling just to add 100 people to my database.

The power of a Facebook Group has truly transformed my business and allowed me to build a thriving real estate career.

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You don't just want a solution that fits your personality. You want a community on your journey to mastermind with and guide you. Luckily, our Groups to Leads Program has everything you need to grow your Facebook Group and business.

The value of the program...

If you implement what we teach in the Groups to Leads Program, you can completely change the way you run your real estate business and manage your time.

If you are wondering whether you can get an ROI... you only need to get one additional client to more than triple your investment. And what you will learn in this program will pay you back year after year.

Independent Study

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The VIP Experience

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30--Day Money Back Guarantee

If you do the work - and are still unsatisfied, show me your work within 30 days of enrolling, and I'll gladly give you a refund.

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Have Questions? We Have the Answers!

Do I get lifetime access? Are there updates as Facebook updates

You have lifetime access to the content as well as any updates to the course.

What's your refund policy?

We know you are going to love this course and we want you to feel great about your investment. You will have a whole week to take a look around. If the course isn't for you then all you have to do is show that you have gone through the content and tried to implement some of the content and it didn't work for you.

What if I'm not tech savvy?

We have created templates to make your life easier and walkthrough videos to show you exactly what to do. We have made this course easy to use for everyone.

Is there a Facebook Group Community for course members?

Yes we will email you a link to the exclusive Facebook Group.

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I can’t wait for you to join Groups to Leads

As a dedicated mom, I was tired of sacrificing precious time with my family, spending nights and weekends chasing leads, and hosting endless open houses. I craved a better way to provide for my loved ones without compromising quality time with them.

That's why I created this program – because I've

personally experienced the life-altering benefits of utilizing Facebook Groups for lead generation. By implementing the strategies I'm about to share with you, I've eliminated the need to chase leads tirelessly. Now, they come to me on autopilot, allowing me to focus on what truly matters in life: quality time with my kids, while continuing to excel in my real estate career.

This program is your ticket to increasing your commissions and achieving that coveted work-life balance. Say goodbye to the old ways and embrace a transformation that will bring you financial freedom and more precious moments with your loved ones. Join me on this incredible journey today, and let's create a better future together. Your family deserves it, and so do you.

Whether you're a brand-new agent eager to hit the ground running and secure your first sale within the next 6-18 months, a solo agent looking to implement a proven marketing plan to skyrocket your income, or a team leader seeking to create an additional lead generation system for your team, this program is tailor-made for you.

I am so confident that this system will work that I offer a full 30--day money--back guarantee. If, after 30 days you are not satisfied, and can show me that you did the work simply ask for your money back.

I will see you in the program!


Independent Study

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The VIP Experience

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